
[Updated] Romeo and Juliet Trigger Warning List

Hi, everyone! I'm back with the updated version of the final trigger warning list that I'm doing for my ex-high school--Romeo and Juliet. As before, I used the version with the ISBN 9780553231058. There is still a chance that I missed some things, especially with the dialect barrier (I don't speak 16th century English), but I think that I caught most everything.  I don't have anything scheduled as an "up next." I am still planning on creating lists for other books, but as of right now I don't have anything planned out or scheduled. I can't promise when I'll start creating more lists, as I've been incredibly busy and will likely be so for the indefinite future, but I will, at some point, create some more lists. I'll probably stick with the ones most commonly taught in school before moving onto others that people read for pleasure. If you have any recommendations for me, lists that you'd like to see, feel free to drop a comment below ...

[Updated] Night Trigger Warning List

Hi, everyone! I'm back with the updated version of the trigger warning list for Night by Elie Wiesel. There is still a chance that I missed some things, so let me know if you find anything, but I think that I've got most of it listed. This is the second to last trigger warning list that I'm doing for my ex-high school. Once I'm done with the last one (Romeo and Juliet), I'm going to do my best to start creating new trigger warning lists for other books. If you have any recommendations or if you have any books you'd like to have a list for, feel free to comment below.  [Important: Please note that trigger warnings are not necessarily to make it so that you can just avoid the content. There is a fairly popular mistaken belief that trigger warnings are censorship. That is not true. Trigger warnings exist so that, if you are sensitive to the content, you are made aware of it before it occurs and surprises you. This gives you a chance to prepare yourself mentall...